The 1984 NBMXA British Championships Derby Greyhound Stadium

The 1984 NBMXA British Championships Derby Greyhound Stadium top 3 results in all age groups with a few snippets below.

UKBMX put a National on the same weekend, stealing a lot of the Factory stars, still, a lot of new ones arose from this weekend too.

Over 1800 riders over a 2 day period of racing and were finished by 3:30pm Sunday and that’s handwritten moto sheets (no computers). Big shout-out to the registration ladies pulling that off!

1984 was Geth Shooter’s big breakout season riding for Bunnys GT doubling at the British Championships in 16x and Cruiser and the only guy to jump the last straight Quads during the weekend.

2nd behind Geth was Redline’s Paul Gray who unfortunately passed recently. RIP, Paul.

Another name you might be familiar with is Jason McRoy 2nd in the 11s behind Harrogate’s Stuart Anderson, who went onto to be the UK’s first mountain bike star in the early 90s signing a big money deal with Specialized US until his life was cut short in a motorbike accident in 1995. RIP, JMC.

West Midlands rider Derrick Owns wins 12x with ease on a TRM Freestyle frame.

Totally unknown at the time, Lloyd Grove (pictured) riding for Landar flat out won start to finish 15x and was not really heard from much after.

Neil Huddart quietly once again won another NBMXA title in 8x and local Derby rider, Matt James pulls another surprise win in 10x from the weekend over South Central riders Steve Hassell and Steve Lukey.

Hotshot Patterson Star, Tom Lynch looks set to win 14x but blows a pedal on the last straight and reeled in from Richard Freeman and Andy Lincoln.

Hutch’s, Simon Bailey takes the 17+ battling and passing the 83 reigning British Champion, Mark Cracknell who might have been at his last race and was never really seen again on the track.

17+ Simon Bailey, Paul Miller, William Roach
16 – Geth Shooter, Paul Gray, Kevin Ranscombe
15 – Lloyd Grove, Nigel Murphy, Neil Newman
14 – Richard Freeman, Andy Lincoln, Tom Lynch
13 – Nick Dalton, Paul Clarkson, Jarrod Potter
12 – Derrick Owens, Richard May, Daryl Wheeler
11 – Stuart Anderson, Jason McRoy, Jason Elliot
10 – Matt James, Steve Hassell, Steve Lukey
9 – Mike Nichols, Paul Webster, Jamie Boness
8 – Neil Huddart, Louis Attrill, Paul Buckle
7 -Nicholas Gill, Stuart Hickman, James Morris
6 – David Maw, Phil Witham, Ben Anstie
5 – James Lee, Darren White, Graham Strickland

Cruiser – Geth Shooter, Dave Dawson, Ian Mason

14+ Girls – Julie Woodward, Emma Williams, Alison Diegutis
11-13 Girls – Rachel Holmes, Nicola Kendal, Maria Hall
8-10 Girls – Caroline Goward, Gale Helyar, Debra Freestone
5-7 Girls – Donna Hoffman, Michelle Webster, Sherlee Coupe

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