UCI World Championship Glasgow – Ian Archibald & Andy Welsh

Pictured at last weekend’s UCI World Championship in Glasgow, two of the most successful riders to come out of Scotland, Mr. Ian Archibald and Andy Welsh, along with Andy’s dad checking out the Elite racing. Both Ian and Andy literally lined-up together in lanes 7 and 8 – 37 years ago – in the 15 year old Final at the 1986 World Championships in Slough and 3 decades later Ian placed 4th in the 50 plus Cruiser last week at the Worlds and Mr. 1986 British, European and World Champion, Andy looks like he hasn’t aged a day since his domination year. On top of all of the memories and history being made this week in Glasgow, the Scottish BMX history runs deep. We will dig into more as we carry on the documenting.

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