Podcast – Rachel Holmes & Mum

While in England for the last few weeks I decided to switch things up on the Podcast front and record a quick Pod with both my mum and sister, Rachel, in the kitchen while mum was making Sunday dinner.
My mum actually worked for Raleigh way back in 1960 and my mum gives us a little insight into what it was like to work for them back then and how well everyone was treated and how big Raleigh was during this time.
My sister raced BMX in the 80s and talks a little about winning the 84 British Championships at Derby, racing in Europe and thoughts on the Inaugural British BMX Hall of Fame event last November.
Mum and Rachel also talk about what they liked about BMX in the 80s, the friends and families we hung out with, dad driving us all around Europe and a few of our early day sponsors.